A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Clean Your Couch Like a Pro

Your couch is an important part of your house. It is used both as a decor and also to rest. You spend a lot of time on your couch with your family and friends. Some people also eat on the couches and spill food. This will lead to the formation of stains and also can damage your couch early. Sometimes the stains can be very hard to get rid of. There are several methods people use for removing stains from the couches. In this step-by-step guide, Our professional couch cleaners will discuss how to clean couch like a pro. 

Read The Manufacturer’s Manual And Follow The Instructions: 

The first thing you need to do before cleaning a couch is read the manufacturer’s instructions. It contains every single piece of information on what type of fabric the couch is made of. This also contains information about what precautions you must take and also how to clean couch like a pro. 

There are some codes that tell about the couch:

‘W’- This code stands for water-based cleaning. This means the couch can be cleaned using water.

‘S’- This code means that you should not use water for cleaning the couch. You can use solvent-based cleaning products for cleaning the couches. 

‘WS’- If you find this code, it means you can use both water and solvent-based products for cleaning the couch. There are some fabrics that can be cleaned using both water and solvent-based products. 

‘X’- This code means you cannot clean the couch but you can vacuum it to get rid of the dirt and dust particles. 

‘D’- This means you can dry clean the couch using eco-friendly products. 

Clean The Wooden Details Of The Couch

The first step is to clean the wooden details of the couch. You can use a clean cloth dipped in water and thoroughly remove all the dirt and stains from the couch. You can use a mixture of soap and warm water solution to clean the couch. Use a soft and clean microfibre cloth in order to remove the dirt smoothly from the wooden part of the couch. 

Remove Dirt And Debris From The Couch

Once you clean the wooden part of the couch, move on to the main fabric cleaning. For this, you need to first vacuum the couch using a good quality vacuum cleaner at low suction settings. Once you remove the dirt and debris, you can then use a soft-bristled brush to remove the excess dirt from the surface of the couch. This is an important step how to clean your couch like a pro. 

Spot Clean Stains

Assuming your sofa has any stains, it’s vital to spot-clean them before you start profound cleaning. You can utilize a texture cleaner or a combination of water and a gentle cleanser to recognize clean stains. Apply the cleaner to the mess and allow it to sit for a couple of moments prior to utilizing a spotless material to delicately smudge the stain. Try not to rub the mess, as this can harm the texture. Rehash the cycle until the stain is no more. 

Deep Clean The Couch 

One of the important steps how to clean couch like a pro is deep cleaning the couch. After spot-cleaning the stains, it’s time to deep clean the lounge chair as a whole. You can use a steam cleaner or a surface cleaner to significantly clean the seat. Before you begin, make sure you follow the cleaner’s instructions and test it on a small, unnoticeable area of the sofa. Working in sections, apply the cleaner to the sofa and rub it into the texture with a clean object. Before using a clean, clammy material to remove the texture from the cleaner, allow it to sit for a few moments.

Allow The Couch To Dry

After thoroughly cleaning the couch, it is essential to allow it to dry completely before using it. You can speed up the lounge chair’s drying time by using a fan or opening the windows. Make sure not to use the loveseat until it is completely dry because doing so can cause the texture to take on shape and cause buildup.

Protecting the Couch

Protecting your couch from future spills and stains is essential to maintaining its fresh appearance and odour. A texture defender splash can protect the texture from stains and spills. Before using the splash, make sure you follow the instructions and test it on a small, subtle area of the lounge chair.

Get Professional Help: 

If you are not able to clean the couch using home-based methods, you can hire professional cleaners. Professionals can help in providing the best couch cleaning services. In Melbourne, the best option for couch cleaning services is CBD Couch Cleaning Melbourne. We offer all kinds of couch cleaning and other cleaning services too at reasonable prices. Our staff have Certificate III in Cleaning Operations.

Reliable Couch Cleaning in Melbourne (03) 6145 0084