How To Clean Upholstery Without Water: Dry Cleaning Methods For Upholstery Cleaning
Upholsteries are what makes our house a lot warmer and more comfortable and it is our duty to make sure that they are all clean and protect it from any kind of damage. Now, upholstery cleaning without water can be a bit tricky. Water might work at times but using water for cleaning an upholstery might cause a little bit of damage to it, for example, watermarks and the formation of mildew inside the upholstery padding. Here are a few methods of how to clean upholstery without water. Please read further to know more.

How to clean upholstery without water might be a bit tricky but we are here with a few effective methods that will help you to clean your upholstery in a water-free way.
Baking Soda
For those who were unaware of this trick, using baking soda is a very effective method of how to clean upholstery without water. If it is a fabric upholstery, you need to sprinkle a layer of baking soda all over it, let it sit for about twenty minutes, and then use a vacuum to remove the baking soda. This will help to remove the odours and stains. If you need to deal with the tough stains.
Using a Solvent Cleaner
If there are tough stains on your upholstery, you can remove them with a solvent-based cleaner. Various solvent-based cleaners come with an attachment that helps the cleaner to spread. But if it does not, you will have to gently scrub it with a brush after applying it to the stained area. Let the solvent sit for a bit and to know for how long to let it sit, follow the instructions given in the back. Most of the time, the instructions say to let the solvent dry fully before removing it with a vacuum cleaner. It would be better to test it once by applying it on a hidden area of the upholstery, before using.
Using Vinegar
Here’s another effective method of how to clean upholstery without water and this time, it is vinegar. It will help you to remove the toughest stains and odour from the upholstery without causing any kind of damage or leaving behind any kind of stains. To make vinegar more effective, we would suggest you add a little bit of olive oil to it. Add an equal amount of vinegar and olive oil to a spray bottle and shake it well. After that, you need to spray the solution on the stained surface and scrub it gently for five to ten minutes with a brush. After that, let the surface soak the mixture and in the end, wipe the surface clean with a dry, clean microfiber cloth.
Using Alcohol
One of the very good uses of alcohol is, it helps in removing stains very effectively but before we start with the process of cleaning, we would suggest you put on a face mask and safety goggles. Pour some alcohol into a spray bottle and spray it on the stained surface. Make sure to keep the bottle 5 to 7 inches away from the surface that is stained. Rub the upholstery for five minutes and then wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.
Steam Cleaning The Surface
Another one of the very effective and safe ways of how to clean upholstery without water is steam cleaning. Steam cleaners use water but they use it in the form of vapour. It lifts the stains from the surface and removes them but before using it, make sure to test the steam cleaner for once on a hidden part of the upholstery.
Using Commercial Cleaners
Various kinds of commercial cleaners are available in the market. Check the compatibility of your sofa before using the commercial cleaners and follow the instructions on the packaging while cleaning the upholstery.
Using a Lint Roller
If you live with family and you have pets and kids in your house then your upholstered furniture will always be filled with crumbs of food, pet hair, and of course, dirt and dust particles. You can use a lint roller if you need to remove them properly. Roll the lint roller all over your upholstered furniture and you will need to remove a few layers of the sticky paper of the roller as they will be filled with the stuff it will pick up from your upholstery.
A Foaming Upholstery Cleaner
Another method of removing stains from your upholstery in an easy, water-free way is, using a foaming upholstery cleaner. These cleaners are available in the cleaning aisles of most of the stores and you might also find them in a local market as they help in cleaning carpets, floor mats, and also, car upholstery. Spray a cleaner on the stained part and allow it to foam for a bit. After that, wipe away the stain with a soft cleaning cloth and after cleaning away the stain, blot the area gently with a cleaning cloth to remove any kind of leftover cleaner. Vacuum the upholstery once more just to remove any leftover dust or dirt.
Take The Professional Help
Just in case you are not getting the courage of carrying out the methods of how to clean upholstery without water, all by yourself at home, you always have another easy option open which is, calling a professional. Taking professional help is much easier as it will save you a lot of time and energy and with the help of their special techniques and equipment, they will clean your upholstery in a very easy and quick way. They are certified experts and therefore, they know how to handle the upholsteries. Their cleaning methods are very effective and without causing any kind of damage to your upholstery, they will clean it and make it as shiny and vibrant as a new one, once again.
All of the above-mentioned tips for how to clean upholstery without water are very effective but still, if you want to take the help of professionals, you can do that. We hope this blog was helpful to you and if you have any kind of questions for us or if you want to know anything more, you can always ping a professional upholstery cleaner near you.